Monday, March 1, 2010

morning. mondays. march. and me.

this morning. was as so many monday mornings have been.
i stay up into the small hours baking. and then wake late, toss the now cooled result of my evening's endeavor into my bag, and dash out to catch my bus.

greeted by the brisk minnesota air.
i have five blocks to contemplate the dysfunction of my day. i hop over the icy puddles reflecting gnarled fingers of leafless trees. gazing up at a sky drenched in color that only morning can bring.
and then onto the number six bus. winding towards the downtown skyline. dancing with the rising sun.

i want more.
more of the soft light.
more of the calm before the hustle turn bustle.
of a city waking up.

i somehow envision this as a tool. a method of gently coaxing more morning out of each day.
today there was approximately twenty minutes between alarm and out the door. so i am posting, in the last minutes of actual morning, with nothing but a promise.

of more time.

for reflection. sharing. and pain au chocolates.